Amazing Facts TV

Amazing Facts began in 1965 with a brilliant radio idea to attract listeners from all walks of life. Joe Crews, the ministry’s first speaker, opened each radio broadcast with an amazing fact and then followed with a related biblical message that everyone could understand. At the end of each program, he offered a free Bible lesson to encourage listeners to study God’s Word for themselves.
Today, Amazing Facts broadcasts Bible-based programming 24/7 on the Amazing Facts TV (AFTV) and Amazing Facts Radio. You’ll get to see programs such as Amazing Facts Presents, Sabbath School Study Hour, Bible Answers Live, Latest in Bible Prophecy and more featuring Pastor Doug Batchelor and other Spirit-led speakers. Amazing Facts Oceania and FaithStream have partnered together to bring AFTV to homes across Australia and New Zealand.
Start enjoying the best Christian network available, featuring ministries that deliver accurate, Biblical, and inspirational information to grow your faith in the Lord.
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